

Coke For Skincare, Anyone???

Coca-Cola is developing a drink in conjunction with L'Oréal, the cosmetics giant, that could sit on boutique department store shelves alongside beauty products rather than in fridges and drinks machines.

The makers of Lumaé, a tea-based drink, say it contains ingredients that will help women care for their skin. It will be marketed and distributed as a beauty brand rather than a soft drink.Lumaé is aimed at "active and image-conscious" women above the age of 25 who embrace the latest in health and beauty products. So Coke is exploring the possibilities of distributing Lumaé in trendy designer boutiques such as Saks Fifth Avenue as opposed to its usual venues such as 7-Eleven.

Hmmmm, interesting... This is set to be launched in 2008, well, let's see...


Carolina Lange said...

Wow! That is fantastic! I love Coke! Can't wait!

Model Citzen said...

this sounds like its surprisingly a good idea. women who are image conscious, are also usually health conscious. love your blog, would you like to swap links?