

Diaper Bags

I don't usually carry Diaper Bags, either the nanny carries them, or my hubby... Don't get me wrong guys, here in Manila, it's very typical for every household to have a nanny... Especially if you have a baby, we do hire special care givers for the baby. I don't know why, maybe because were just used to that kind of lifestyle... I guess it is because we're in the third world....

Anyways, I was having troubles which Diaper Bag should I buy this time... My first baby used to have the Avent Bag... It was black, easy to carry, even my hubby can carry it with no fuss at all... Now that my daughter is 5 years old, she likes carrying pink totes with cute character pics... My hubby refuses to bring the bag because he said that it ruins his look... hahahaha.... So I had to bring the bag if my daughter's too tired to tote it... (refusing also coz' it really ruins the "look")

So I surfed the net and looked for cute diaper bags, hoping that I could find something that -

1. Has very good quality
2. Can be worn by my hubby
3. Is Easy to carry
4. Has good insulated pockets for milk
5. Has Good design
6. Will not ruin anybody's outfit
7. Has very nice reviews
8. Is being tried and tested by other moms

whew.... too many requirements, eh???

Here goes...

Looks manly. But I don't think this lasts... Those seams can easily be torn especially if carrying very heavy stuff.

Cute, but too ragged...

I know this is not manly, but I like it...

This one also... Too cute...Functional look

Just like the first one, Manly, but don't think it's durable enough...

I liked all of them... But I have to let my hubby choose... 'Coz he's the one toting it most of the time, teehee.... And also, I can only buy one... So I chose this -

Took a picture of it at home... I must say, it passed all my requirements, so I hope this is a good buy...


Anonymous said...

that's the bugaboo bag huh! Nice... you have the same taste as Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, and other Hollywood celebrity moms...

paolo said...

my tita makes her maid carry a LeSportSac backpack as a baby bag, kasi in Hong Kong its was like 50% off when they bought it.