

Welcome 2009

Thanks to all, for the gift of friendship, love, and understanding... It has been a wonderful and challenging year for me, especially during the last quarter. Year 2008 ended with a maximum gust blast for me, but it ended well and need not to be pointed out anyway...

I've been on vacation this holiday season and having fun time with the kids... I can't believe how time flies and how big my baby boy has grown...

Fonzie is now 1 year and 6 months old...

His words are:

Hotdog - pertaining to Mickey Mouse (Playhouse Disney's Song - Hotdog, hotdog, hot diggity dog)

Mama - I think he's pertaining to me

Hip, hip, Addu!!!! - pertaining to "hip, hip, hurray"

Wowwww - when he sees something nice, like, Wow!

Ats - pertaining to his Achie Cassie

So far, I must say that he has "very little" vocabulary... Especially when compared to Cassie... Sadly, I wasn't an internet addict when Cassie was in her growing years... But I promised myself that I'll upload her growing years video on You Tube sometime...

Maybe she'll thank me for that in the future...

Meanwhile, here's Fonzie...

Happy 2009 Everyone!!!

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