

Christmas Is All About Giving

Christmas is all about giving, not receiving... That's what the priest told us this morning... I'm feeling a little sentimental about Christmas... Cheesy, but it's the fact... I always thought that the more I give, the more relieved and happy I feel... So I want everybody to feel the same way... Just one simple advice... In case you don't receive anything from a person, don't fret... don't hate... don't despise.... don't question... It's not his/her obligation to give you anything... Eventhough you gave her something, you shouldn't expect anything from her in return... We have to understand, not all people can give, and if you are one of the lucky ones who can, don't expect a gift from everyone... That's a fact, that's Christmas...

Yesterday, I asked my daughter if she wants to do something nice to poor children. She replied, why mom? What should I do to make them happy? I told her to choose some of her toys/clothes/shoes that she doesn't need/want anymore, and give them to poor children... At first, she felt a little reluctant and selfish... She said that she want to keep all her toys... But when I told her that if she could make a lot of poor children happy this Christmas, Santa would be soooo proud of her that maybe he could give her something she's been longing for...

By that, she became excited to choose from her toys, and surprisingly, she gave more than half of them...

Here in Manila, Executive Villages and Private Subdivisions are surrounded by underprivileged families... That is why, the first thing that came out of my mind is to give toys to the people that I see almost everyday, people that see my car passing in front of them every single day...

I posted a small notice on our front gate and expected a small group of children lining up...

That's my daughter taking one last look at her stuff...

We started at exactly 5:00pm, and by 5:45pm, everything gone!!!

We all felt good after that event... I want to instill in my daughter's mind that she could be a Good Samaritan in her own little way...

That night, I was approached by a couple who thanked me wholeheartedly... They said that this is the first time they experienced this kind of generosity and that we made their children very, very happy...

That comment from the couple was the best Christmas present I ever had...


Anonymous said...

She's so sweet! Now, I'm sure she's waiting for santa's new TOYS!!!!

danyarrrr said...

that's a great idea

Anonymous said...

i agree, good idea, but you shouldve called me and i shouldve lined up cause my kids really wanted that pikachu stuffed toy!!!

What's Haute said...

aww, that's the true meaning of Christmas. very sweet story.