

What's in it for us in 2011?

The Year of the Rabbit starts on February 3, 2011. Like in the past Rabbit years, this 2011 will be quiet, positive and inspiring.

So, for those of us who are already tired of catastrophic years, of natural calamities and financial upheavals of the past, the Year of the Rabbit provides a refreshing calm, a placid change after the turbulent Year of the Tiger which is 2010.

In fact, in the year 2011, family and personal development are conducive and will flourish, as well as green living.

Love and romance and family life will take resurgence throughout the year, with time focused on loved ones, relatives and friends.

All in all, the year of the Rabbit of 2011 will be fun, exciting and peaceful. Of course, existing conflicts between countries like the North and South Korea, the Middle East and in other parts of Asia will continue, as usual. However, peaceful solutions and diplomacy will play a leading role.

The coming year, in short, will be characterized by a sense of peace and feeling of security, of relative calm and of renewed hope.

Let's find out what our future holds with our Chinese Zodiac Signs in the year of the Golden Rabbit.
1.  Year of the Rat

Jan.31,1900 to Feb.19,1901
Feb.18,1912 to Feb.06,1913
Feb.05,1924 to Jan.24,1925
Jan.24,1936 to Feb.10,1937
Feb.10,1948 to Feb.14,1949
Jan.28,1960 to Feb.14,1961
Jan.16,1972 to Feb.02,1973
Feb.02,1984 to Feb.19,1985

Rats need to be loved as well and in 2011 you should find fertile fields in your hunt for Mr or Mrs Rat. But it’s not all good news. The rat and the rabbit have a love hate relationship, meaning that while you could spend the next twelve months feasting on Gorgonzola and snuggling up with someone furry, you could just as easily spend it out in the cold slinking around the sewers knee deep in sewage. Either way, get a nail file and sharpen those claws because rats can expect disagreements, arguments and knock down, drag out brawls in 2011. Conflict will be unavoidable, from home and family through business and career, the key is how you deal with it. Don’t turn tail and run, stay cool and use your head...

2. Year of the Ox

Feb.19,1901 to Feb.07,1902
Feb.06,1913 to Jan.25,1914
Jan.25,1925 to Feb.12,1926
Feb.11,1937 to Jan.30,1938
Jan.29,1949 to Feb.16,1950
Feb.15,1961 to Feb.04,1962
Feb.03,1973 to Jan.22,1974
Feb.20,1985 to Feb.08,1986 

While the gentile and laidback cow usually tries to avoid upheaval and change, 2011 is likely to be a regular rodeo with a busy work calendar and plenty of emotional upsets at home. You may feel people are milking your good nature and that you’re being taken advantage of but providing steady support to family and friends won’t go unnoticed and your help will be rewarded with stronger and deeper bonds. Your hard work around the farmyard is also being noticed and while it’s unlikely it will be handsomely rewarded this year, don’t be disheartened, your name has been noted and rewards will eventually arrive. 

3.  Year of the Tiger

Feb.08,1902 to Jan.28,1903
Jan.26,1914 to Feb.13,1915
Feb.13,1926 to Feb.01,1927
Jan.31,1938 to Feb.18,1939
Feb.17,1950 to Feb.05,1951
Feb.05,1962 to Jan.24,1963
Jan.23,1974 to Feb.10,1975
Jan.09,1986 to Jan.28,1987


Tigers should enjoy an energetic year on the business and career front and sweaty days spent stalking wildebeest on the Savannah are likely to be well rewarded. On the downside, much of the year will be spent at the office and you’ll be too busy chasing zebras that there will be little time for a roll around in the grass with friends or to sniff out any potential mates. If you can, try and channel some of your creative energy into learning new skills; your get up and go attitude will drive you to success making it the perfect year to take up that course on emergency first aid for antelopes.

4.  Year of the Rabbit

Jan.29,1903 to Feb.15,1904
Feb.14,1915 to Feb.16,1916
Feb.02,1927 to Jan.22,1928
Feb.19,1939 to Feb.07,1940
Feb.06,1951 to Jan.26,1952
Jan.25,1963 to Feb.12,1964
Feb.11,1975 to Jan.30,1976
Jan.29,1987 to Feb.16,1988


Fluff up your tail and break out the carrot cake, The Year of the Rabbit is here. Full of energy and optimism, 2011 is a great year for bunnies to try something new, from nosing around neighboring warrens to meet new friends to dumping the daily grind of the grass eating job to follow your dream. Think big, others may be envious of your success and attempt to pull you down, but if you’re bold and confident the year should bring great rewards.

5.  Year of the Dragon

Feb.16,1904 to Feb.03,1905
Feb.03,1916 to Jan.22,1917
Jan.23,1928 to Feb.09,1929
Feb.08,1940 to Jan.26,1941
Jan.27,1952 to Feb.13,1953
Feb.13,1964 to Feb.01,1965
Jan.31,1976 to Feb.17,1977
Feb.17,1988 to Feb.05,1989


Most dragons found 2010 about as much fun as chewing on icicles, and while 2011 won’t be a banner year you’ll find fewer white knights prancing around with your name on the end of their lance. Leadership and passion are typical traits of the dragon and while the year of the Rabbit will reward your natural creativity, outbursts and anger will upset workmates and friends and you could still find yourself on the business end of a lance. Instead, be patient and try and fly with the more relaxed pace of the year. If you do, you should find your cavern stuffed with goblets, trinkets and treasure chests, and, more importantly, someone scaly to share them with. 


6.  Year of the Snake

Feb.04,1905 to Jan.24,1906
Jan.23,1917 to Feb.10,1918
Feb.10,1929 to Jan.29,1930
Jan.27,1941 to Feb.14,1942
Feb.14,1953 to Feb.02,1954
Feb.02,1965 to Jan.20,1966
Feb.18,1977 to Feb.06,1978
Feb.06,1989 to Jan.26,1990


For the serpent that likes to slide along at their own pace, the action packed Year of the Rabbit could prove a little too quick for comfort. Opportunities will arise, especially on the career front, but there will be pressure to take tricky decisions quickly. Keep cool; 2011 is very much a year of snakes and ladders and while you might find yourself on the climb for much of it, one wrong decision and you could slide back down to the start. Avoid sinking your teeth into new projects or new partners before you’ve weighed up the pros and cons. Instead, try and shrug off your cold blooded reputation and talk to trusted, old friends; not only will you be happier but they will give you honest advice on some of the choices that you are facing.

7.  Year of the Horse

Jan.25,1906 to Feb.12,1907
Feb.11,1918 to Jan.31,1919
Jan.30,1930 to Feb.16,1931
Jan.15,1942 to Feb.04 1943
Feb.03,1954 to Jan.23,1955
Jan.21,1966 to Feb.08,1967
Feb.07,1978 to Jan.27,1979
Jan.27,1990 to Feb.14,1991


After a stumbling start to 2010, horses should have started finding their feet in the latter part of the year and you’ll find your motor is really purring in 2011 – if you can stand the pace there is a great chance for a grandstand first place finish work, at home and in love. With all the success that will be coming your way it might be tempting to throw all your energy into career and business, but try and find time to throw off the saddle and have a nose around the stables. Your charm, confidence and fine set of front teeth should bring plenty of potential partners and if you want to, you can spend much of the year rolling around in the hay.

8.  Year of the Sheep

Feb.13,1907 to Feb.01,1908
Feb.01,1919 to Feb.19,1920
Feb.17,1931 to Feb.05,1932
Jan.05,1943 to Jan.24,1944
Jan.24,1955 to Feb.11,1956
Feb.09,1967 to Jan.28,1968
Jan.28,1979 to Feb.15,1980
Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992


Calm, caring and friendly, sheep like nothing more than chewing the cud with old friends and meandering around the same well-trodden fields. This might make you happy but greater rewards await the ewe that becomes a ram in 2011 and stops following the flock. The year is full of opportunities for the sheep willing to milk them; take a risk or three, throw a little caution to the wind and step into a few new pastures as well as on a few toes and you will find rewards, particularly financial ones. 

9.  Year of the Monkey

Feb.02,1908 to Jan.21,1909
Feb.20,1920 to Feb.07,1921
Feb.06,1932 to Jan.25,1933
Jan.25,1944 to Feb.12,1945
Feb.12,1956 to Jan.30,1957
Jan.30,1968 to Feb.16,1969
Feb.16,1980 to Feb.04,1981
Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993


The year of the Tiger was a tough one for monkeys who spent much of it trying not to end up as cat food, but hold on tight because the Year of the Rabbit will see a swift swing into good fortune and good luck. It will be a particularly prosperous twelve months for financial gain and career advancement and by the end of the year you should be able to stick a few extra bananas in the bank. Happier and healthier, you’ll also find your relationships, both romantic and otherwise, getting back on track in 2011 and if you and a partner have big plans, this is the time to put them into action. 


10.  Year of the Rooster

Jan.22,1909 to Feb.09,1910
Feb.08,1921 to Jan.27,1922
Jan.26,1933 to Feb.13,1934
Feb.13,1945 to Feb.01,1946
Jan.31,1957 to Feb.17,1958
Feb.17,1969 to Feb.05,1970
Feb.05,1981 to Jan.24,1982
Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994


Wow. Get inside the chicken coop, lock the door and sit on the key until 2012 hatches. The wolves are out for chickens in 2011 and you can expect to spend much the year being thrown from one cockfight to another. Locked in conflict, your sharp claws and quick temper will leave you at odds with family, friends and even your boss unless you keep them in check. Yet, while it certainly won’t be a headline year, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad one. Work hard, be cautious with your health, your money and your mouth and you should manage to avoid ending up as Kentucky Fried Chicken. 

11.  Year of the Dog

Feb.10,1910 to Jan.29,1911
Jan.28,1922 to Feb.13,1923
Feb.14,1934 to Feb.03,1935
Feb.02,1946 to Jan.21,1947
Feb.18,1958 to Feb.07,1959
Feb.06,1970 to Jan.26,1971
Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983
Feb.10,1994 to Jan.30,1995


Tired of sit, stay and rollover? Use the energy of the year of the rabbit to prove you can teach old dogs new tricks and break some of your old routines. Don’t look for grandstand changes but at home give your kennel a new lick of paint or at work get your name on the team shipping out to Alaska for the sledding project. Your most powerful ally is your charm, charisma and willingness to lick other people’s faces. The year can be as successful as you’re willing to make it but you’ll need the help of friends and colleagues, if your plans and projects are going to work.

12.  Year of the Pig

Jan.30,1911 to Feb.17,1912
Feb.16,1923 to Feb.04,1924
Feb.04,1935 to Jan.23,1936
Jan.22,1947 to Feb.09,1948
Feb.08,1959 to Jan.27,1960
Jan.27,1971 to Jan.15,1972
Feb.13,1983 to Feb.01,1984
Jan.31,1995 to Feb.18,1996


Sociable pigs should find plenty of new friends in the farmyard during 2011 but be wary of jumping into bed with them four trotters first. While 2011 should be a lucky one for pigs and some of these new friends may lead you into new opportunities and advancements, there are plenty of wide grinned wolves around who will be looking to huff, puff and to blow your house down. At work there is the potential to bring home more bacon, but you are likely to encounter problems and arguments with both your boss and potential rivals. It may be frustrating to be toiling over the same projects but it will let you avoid conflict and your hard work won’t go unnoticed. 


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